Red Dog Farm FAQs

What types of volunteer opportunities are available?
Because we do not have a “shelter,” our greatest need is for foster parents. Please read the information about fostering an animal.
Can I volunteer at the farm?
The animals in the care of Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network are not all located at the farm. In fact, the vast majority of the animals in our care are spread out across Guilford, Forsyth and Rockingham counties in the care of individual foster families. Foster families care for everything from kittens to horses in their private homes (or barns) and Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network pays all of the bills for those animals. But, we DO need volunteers to help care for animals in quarantine at the farm on holidays and weekends.
I am unable to foster animals. Are there other opportunities to help?
Yes. We also have volunteers who help in the office, on the farm and at adoption fairs and special events. If you can commit to a certain number of hours or a set schedule, we’d love to talk to you about volunteering. We don’t have many opportunities for “one time” volunteer work because it takes a lot of our time to educate volunteers, so we’d like to spend our time working with people who plan to become involved long-term. If you are interested in volunteering and/or fostering, please submit this Volunteer Form or Foster Application!
If I am interested in fostering or becoming a long-term volunteer, what is my next step?
If you are interested in volunteering and/or fostering, please submit this Volunteer Form or Foster Application!
Can I choose which animals I foster?
Yes. You can indicate exactly which types of animals you are willing to foster and you may even indicate breeds if you choose. You are never obligated to accept a request to foster.
How much will it cost to foster?
The Network will pay all veterinary bills for the animal in your care. We ask that foster families provide feed but exceptions can be made if necessary.
Will I become attached to my foster animal?
Absolutely. The animals in the Network have come from various bad situations and will become attached to you and the love that you will provide. You will become attached as well. But, the greatest feeling in the world is meeting a forever family interested in your foster animal and knowing that the match is perfect. We receive Christmas cards every year from the families of multiple animals that we have fostered, and seeing the pictures makes it all worthwhile!
Can I adopt my foster animal?
Yes. If a foster family decides to adopt, the adoption fee will still apply.
What if I encounter problems?
We are always available to help with problems, whether behavioral issues, health issues, or changes in your schedule that do not allow you to continue to foster.
Surrendering An Animal
What do I do if I find an animal and do not know who it belongs to?
If you find an animal that does not have a collar with identification, the first thing to do is to take the animal to the closest veterinarian and have it scanned for a microchip. Veterinarians provide this service for free. If the animal has a microchip, you will be able to contact the owner based on the scanned information.
What if it has no microchip?
In this case, put up signs near where you found the animal that describe the animal and list your phone number. Also, notify nearby veterinarians and the Guilford County Animal Shelter (phone number is 297-5020) to make sure that no one is looking for that animal. You can also check out local lost and found postings on several websites such as Lassie Come Home. Many pets escape their fences every day and are found by others. Our greatest piece of advice is for everyone to microchip their pets and keep collars with identification on them at all times! If the animal is purebred, also notify the appropriate breed rescue in case the owner checks there (for example, if you find a Golden Retriever, call Triad Golden Retriever Rescue and let them know).
What if I still can’t find an owner?
If you have tried all of the above and have not found an owner, you can consider the animal a stray. If you would like further assistance with your stray, please email us a description, picture, and any other information you know about the pet so we can determine how best we can help.
Can I bring the animal to Red Dog Farm?
We do not have an adoption facility, and can only take in as many animals as we can house in the homes of volunteer “foster families.” If you need to surrender an animal, please send us an email and send us a description of the animal, its age, name, breed, quirks, etc. as well as a picture. Also include your contact information. If we have a foster home available, we will contact you to let you know.
Is there a “waiting list” for foster homes?
We do keep track of all animals waiting for foster homes, but because some foster families will only foster certain things (small dogs, kittens, horses, etc.), we don’t always take animals in the order that we receive requests to do so. For instance, large dogs often wait longer for a foster home because we have less volunteers who have the means to house them.
If I surrender an animal, can I choose who adopts it?
No. If you surrender an animal, you give up all rights to that animal. We will place it in the home that we deem to be best for it.
I found an animal that I can’t keep permanently, but I could foster short term. Can it be included in Red Dog Farm’s foster program?
Maybe. If you are willing to foster an animal you have found, please let us know that when you email us its picture. If we have the funds available, we will have the animal vaccinated and spayed or neutered. The applicable adoption fee will apply when the animal is adopted, and we will choose the adoptive home.